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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

something about dreams

On average, we spend about one third of our lives sleeping. During a portion of that time, we are also dreaming. While asleep, we can gain rest and refreshment for our hard day of work. Essentially, dreams are our method of relaxing and letting our minds drift away into a distant world. While dreaming, we can interact with various people, places or things. Dream is mass hallucination. A dream is a hallucination that is also a fantastical journey in our sleep that either relieves us of stress or tries to detract us from a certain habit or future happening (better known as a nightmare).Dreams help us to understand ourselves giving that we know how to interpret them. Interpreting dreams is a very powerful tool. We can find out deep secrets or reveal concealed feelings towards something just by analyzing a dream correctly.When we think about dreams we must wonder why they occur. There are several explanations for this question. It is a fact that we all must sleep. We constantly go through cycles of sleep and wakefulness. During each cycle, our minds must be active. Obviously when we are awake, we are using our minds for various actions. When we are asleep, it is not as obvious how our minds are at work. To keep our minds active during sleep we must dream.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

simbolisam in dreams

I have something about simbolisam in dreams. Find out what your dreams really mean!

shows that one fears being deserted or abandoned; usually occurs after a loss of a loved one
either a fear of an actual physical accident or a break down (mental or physical)
represents that one may be able to overcome some obstacles; "flying over" obstacles or rising to a new level
alcohol can represent many things; it can mean one fears the effects of alcohol, most likely an addiction; also may symbolize the wine or the blood of Christ
when dreaming of being an alien, one might be feeling unsure of his or her new surroundings; if dreaming of an alien (whether extraterrestrial or foreign) the dreamer might feel that his or her life is being invaded
symbolic of goodness and purity; if the angel is a messenger from God, then the message is very important and must be given serious attention
can symbolize many things; most likely symbolize beasts, the inner wildness of the dreamer
dreaming of an awakening symbolizes the realization or consciousness of new ideas

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I think that the dreams are very good think.If you have dream you will be happier.Now I need more sleep and dream in this moment.