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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

simbolisam in dreams

I have something about simbolisam in dreams. Find out what your dreams really mean!

shows that one fears being deserted or abandoned; usually occurs after a loss of a loved one
either a fear of an actual physical accident or a break down (mental or physical)
represents that one may be able to overcome some obstacles; "flying over" obstacles or rising to a new level
alcohol can represent many things; it can mean one fears the effects of alcohol, most likely an addiction; also may symbolize the wine or the blood of Christ
when dreaming of being an alien, one might be feeling unsure of his or her new surroundings; if dreaming of an alien (whether extraterrestrial or foreign) the dreamer might feel that his or her life is being invaded
symbolic of goodness and purity; if the angel is a messenger from God, then the message is very important and must be given serious attention
can symbolize many things; most likely symbolize beasts, the inner wildness of the dreamer
dreaming of an awakening symbolizes the realization or consciousness of new ideas


Milica said...

Wow! Great idea. I often wondered about what my dreams actually mean. To tell you the truth, I read just the first and the last symbol - I am afraid to read these kind of things. I think about my dreams only when I want to analyze my state of mind but I don't like to go any deeper than that.

Adrijana Petkovska said...

Well milica I wondered to. Because of that I deseeded to write my blog about dreams I hope you lake. Thanks